Vetmedic Pharmacy was established in 1999, being at the time first and only pharmacy in The Maltese Islands dealing exclusively with veterinary pharmaceuticals, instruments, pet care products and animal feeds.
Today Vetmedic Pharmacy has grown into one of the major suppliers in this field and has also extended its services to Specialised Veterinary Diagnostics by adding Vetmedic Laboratory under its wing.

Vetmedic Pharmacy – Facade

Right hand side view from entrance

Left hand side view from entrance

Full view from entrance

Products & Supplements for Pigeons

Pharmaceutical products & Accesories

Pigeon Food, Bird Food, Pet Food

Pet beauty products

Friendly staff
The team consists of a pharmacist managing director, a resident veterinary consultant, an online shop manager, and a shop assistant.
Vetmedic is the pet pharmacy which specializes in pigeon and ornamental bird care and medication, able to respond to any problem encountered by the average pigeon and ornamental bird fancier.
Apart from the full range of pharmaceuticals and feed for racing pigeons and other birds, Vetmedic Pharmacy offers a complete range of pharmaceutical products for all other animals including both prescription and over the counter medications.
A wide selection of food for dogs, cats, ferrets, rodents, fish and reptilians, as well as a selection of pet skin care products and housing accessories, make Vetmedic Pharmacy a regular stop for every pet owner.
Through our contacts with overseas manufacturers, and other distributors, we can source anything your pet requires, even if not in stock at the time.
Veterinary practitioners can always restock their drug cabinets at Vetmedic as well as their instrument boxes.
At Vetmedic groomers will be able to find a full range of professional products for coat and skin care.
Vetmedic Pharmacy is easy to access from all parts of Malta, and is situated outside The University rear entrance, and National Swimming Pool. View maps.